Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 octa-core proccessor With the AI capabilities of a speedy Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 octa-core processor, you experience smoother games and videos with even more vivid graphics. It also gives you 4 GB of RAM, so you can keep multiple apps open and move effortlessly between them. Universal Unlocked Compatible with all major U.S. carriers, including Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile. Also compatible with prepaid carriers including Cricket Wireless, MetroPCS, Google Fi, Simple Mobile, Total Wireless, Tracfone, Net10, Mint, and H2O. 48.0 MP triple camera system Get stunning results in even the most challenging lighting with a 48.0 MP triple camera system. Take sharper, brighter pictures in low-light settings thanks to Quad Pixel technology. Capture incredible close-up details with the Macro Vision camera. 6.6" Max Vision HD+ display Bring shows, movies, games, and video chats to life on an ultra-wide screen. The 6.6" Max Vision HD+ display features a large screen-to-body proportion, so you can see more, play more, and enjoy more. 4GB RAM + 64GB Storage Memory Never worry about running out of space for your pictures. Google Photos gives you unlimited high-quality photo storage. Plus, with 64 GB of storage on the phone, there’s plenty of room room ofor songs, videos, and more. Up to three-day battery Go the whole weekend and then some without stopping to recharge. With a massive 5000 mAh battery, you get up to three days of battery life. Stream video for 20 hours. Browse your favorite websites for 17 hours. And catch up with friends on social media for 19 hours. Water-repellent design Never let spills or splashes get in your way. Whether you’re going for a run or taking a call in the rain, a water-repellent design3 keeps your phone protected from accidents and the elements. My UX With My UX, your phone works the way you want. Control it with simple gestures, customize your entertainment settings, and create a look that’s one in a million. The new My UX. It’s all you. Android 10 Adapts to you and the way you use your phone, learning your preferences as you go. Your experience gets better over time, and it keeps things running smoother and longer. Available user storage is less due to preloaded software, and is subject to change without notice due to software updates. Screen images simulated. Phone UI for illustration purposes only, and subject to change. No Sim Card Included No SD Card included Based on the median user tested across a mixed use profile (which includes both usage and standby time) under optimal network conditions. Actual battery performance will vary. Water-repellent design creates a barrier to help protect against moderate exposure to water such as accidental spills, splashes or light rain. Not designed to be submersed in water, or exposed to pressurized water, or other liquids; may diminish over time. Not waterproof.